We use only the highest quality materials and experienced technicians who follow stringent procedures and manufacturers' guidelines to produce restorations that we are proud to warranty for 1 year against defects in materials and craftsmanship.
Please send ALL old models, impressions, and bites back along with the original restoration when requesting a restoration to be remade due to an inaccuracy at the time of seating. This is very important, as we will need these items so that we are able to take a close look at everything to evaluate the situation and determine the reason for the inaccuracy. If the restoration has chipped, broken, or fractured after it has been seated, please send a picture of the fractured restoration before removal.
The following criteria will be used to determine how a remake case will be charged:
Obvious lab or material failure - ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE
Obvious client failure - FULL CHARGE
If no obvious cause is found for the inaccuracy at the time of seating the restoration, the new restoration will be billed at 50% of the regular fee.
Additionally, charges will be applied when a remake
results under the following circumstances:
We return a case for questionable accuracy and the client asks us to proceed
We send a case or email photos for design approval and the client asks us to proceed
We request a new impression, a metal try-in, or a die trim and were asked to proceed without one
The client trims their own die which results in a short margin
The shade requested is different from the original prescription and cannot be corrected by adjustment alone
The material requested is different from the original prescription
Study models and/or specific instructions were not provided for anterior cases
Anterior cases were approved at the time they were tried in before final seating
We advise our client that a particular design or material choice is not recommended due to preps, space, or manufacturers' material recommendations and the client asks us to proceed